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Sex Doll

>Sex doll is a type of sex toy, imitating a human body for simulated sexual acts. With a few exceptions, most dolls have a female body and are intended for male audience.

The sex doll may consist of an entire body or just a pelvic part (rarely a face) with the openings (vagina, anus, mouth) for copulation. The openings are sometimes vibrating.

Cheaper sex dolls are inflatable. These dolls are usually rather ugly and bear only a passing resemblance to women, but they have an (artificial) vagina and many men are willing to overlook their shortcomings.

More expensive sex dolls (costing upwards from 1500 dollars) are made from silicon. They can be very lifelike, with face and body modelled on real women, with realistic skin material (similar to that used for movie special effects), with realistic (or real) hair. The dolls can be dressed in real human clothes for increased realism.

These dolls usually have an articulate metal skeleton with flexible joints that allows them to be positioned in a variety of positions for display and for sexual acts. Silicon sex dolls are obviously heavier than inflatable ones (which consist of mostly air), but are about half the weight of a real human of comparable size.

In Japan inflatable love pillows with a life-size picture of a porn star or anime character and optionally a hole for lovemaking are especially popular.

Some inflatable sex dolls are made in the form of animals, most notably sheep. These dolls are more of a gag gift.