First Wikis- Wikipedia Entries From A Simpler Time
QAnon refers to a mysterious Potus Trump admin insider with Q level clearance for access to confidential information. QAnon communicates with patriotic Americans on 8chan and shares sensitive intel on top level degenerate scum such as Hillary (aka Killary), Hussein (Obummer), Rothschilds, Soros and the rest of the satan worshipping, war mongering, human sacrificing, pedophilic elite of the world. Anonymous patriots (Anons) try to decipher QAnon's cryptic messages and let the public know what goes on behind the stage with the depraved perverts. By red pilling the masses this way, Potus Trump's admin is preparing the American public for the huge avalanche of shocking indictions to follow, where Killary, Hussein, Soros, Rothschilds and their ilk will be imprisoned in Guantanamo bay (Gitmo) for the rest of their lives.