The Millenial Generation is the generation of Americans born from 1982 to 2003 (assuming that this generation has an average length). Their typical grandparents are from the Silent Generation; their typical parents are of the Boom Generation and Generation X.This generation includes such wholesome celebrities as Leann Rimes and the Olsen twins. Their foreign-born peers include Princes William and Harry of the United Kingdom.
Millenials are emerging as something of a generational public property. Where child Generation Xers had once been the castoffs of Awakening-era euphoria, Millenials have become symbols of an Unraveling-era need to prevent the social hemorrhaging before it could damage another new generation. The new adult focus has not yet reversed the Awakening-era damage to the child's world. The child poverty rate is still high. The crack babies of the 1980s are growing up with severe emotional disabilities. Dysfunctional families are still a terrible problem, and murderers of the age of the two Columbine assailants or younger still make the news. Sex and violence on television have receded only slightly. In the Awakening, this prompted few complaints from adults; in the Unraveling, it infuriates them.
As this generation grows, it is hoped that it will inherit the mantle of civic responsibility that the generation that fought World War II had. But to quote Jim Morrison, "the future's uncertain and the end is always near". Time will someday tell what these scoutlike, wanted children grew up to be.