Internet Pornography
Internet Pornography is a wide area of the Internet. There are thousands of websites offering different kinds of pornography, including gay and lesbian pornography, Upskirt Pornography, College girls/coeds/men pornography, transvestites pornography, celebrity nudes, and the sicker and totally unacceptable pedophile pornography, rape pornography and animal pornography. Some view naturist/nudism sites as pornographic too.Internet Pornography began spreading almost at the same time as the internet became a huge communications method for private home owners in the middle 90's. Nowadays, few other internet industries can say they pull the kind of money that internet pornography pulls every year. While many people have rebelled against this method of pornography, the Internet being basically a communications highway that has taken a 'freedom of speech' stance, there is little that can be done against the proliferation of these sites, except for cases (example: Pedophile sites) where the law rightfully has to step in against the website and its users and keepers.
One of the first worries about porno websites was that children might be able to easily access them, but it can be said that most pronographic websites around the world have taken care of this worry.Althought Pornographic websites have millions of members, usually they have age verifying systems like Net Nanny or others, or credit card requirements, therefore restricting the traffic of minors thru these websites.
Pornographic websites are prohibited in many countries, cities and states around the world.